The average credit score is only 678. This means that most Americans do not have perfect credit. If your FICO score is under 620, you are considered to have bad credit. FICO scores are calculated by taking into account things such as the amount of debt you currently have and your payment history with current and past creditors. While the credit score is a concrete number, interpretation of the number can vary widely from one institution to another. The importance of a good credit score is that this is what your interest rate is based on. Poor credit or bad credit will increase the interest rate of your loan. With this in mind, saving for a down payment now is crucial. If you can come up with a good down payment, the odds of getting into a mortgage loan with an affordable interest rate go up dramatically.
Home Mortgage Types
A mortgage is a term used to describe a loan to purchase a house. There are many different kinds of mortgages. Here is a list of some of the better-known ones along with a brief definition of each.
VA mortgage – These are available to military veterans.
Fixed-rate mortgages – The interest rate remains the same for the life of the loan.
FHA loans – Federal Housing Authority loans are good for first-time buyers needing flexibility.
Adjustable-rate mortgage loan – The interest rate fluctuates according to the market.
Combination rate mortgages – The rate is fixed for a predetermined period, then goes to an adjustable rate.
Assumable qualifying mortgage – This allows for the loan to be assumed by a different party after qualifying for the loan.
Assumable non-qualifying mortgage – This allows for the loan to be assumed by a different party without having to qualify for the loan.
Buy-down mortgage – interest is paid upfront and balance is paid over a predetermined length of time resulting in the payments being lower during the buy-down period.
Hybrid mortgages – Thirty-year loans where the interest rates are changed once during the term of the loan, usually after year one, five, or ten of the loan.
Frequently Asked Bad Credit Mortgage Questions
What Are The Different Types Of Mortgage Loans?
Who Gets Hard Money Land Loans?
How to Get a Credit Card with Bad Credit
Can I Refinance To Get My First And Second Mortgage Combined?
Should I Refinance Or Get A Home Equity Loan?
How Do I Qualify For A Conventional Home Loan?
Is a Bad Credit Mortgage Broker Trustworthy?
Can I Get A Bad Credit Loan Home Loan With Low Interest?
What Is a Fixed Home Mortgage?
What Do I Need To Qualify For A VA Bad Credit Loan?
Bad Credit Loans
For those who can not qualify for a regular loan, a bad credit loan may be an acceptable option. It used to be very difficult to get a bad credit home loan. Now, even if you have a bad credit score, you always have a chance to get approved in a timely manner and start living in the house you always dreamed of. The interest rate will, of course, be higher than a conventional loan would be.
Home Loans For People With Bad Credit
Despite the economic difficulties you may have had, you can still get into a home of your own. You can also get an interest rate that you can afford. While the larger mortgage companies only approve those with good to excellent credit scores, there are companies that specialize in helping those without a perfect credit rating. These companies help you get into your new home by finding the mortgage option right for you and your unique situation, leaving room for life to happen by allowing for renovations, college tuition, and renovations.
Bad Credit Mortgages
To find a mortgage when you have bad credit, you first need to contact a loan professional. You can either consult one online or call a professional in your area. The reason this should be your first stop is that they can explain to you the importance of your credit rating, what your score means in relation to your mortgage interest rate, what loans you qualify for, and what you can expect your monthly payments to be. They are going to consider three things:
Is your income sufficient to meet all of your obligations and the loan payment.
Does the house appraise at or above the asking price.
Your past credit history, specifically if you pay your bills on time or late.
If bad credit is an issue, it is imperative that you talk to a professional. They will be able to determine if there are any programs available that will suit your needs. Do not let any lender make you feel that you are not “good enough” to own a home. It may take some trial and error to find the lender and program that will be the best fit for you.
Recent Mortgage Bad Credit Questions
Credit Cards for People With Less Than Perfect Credit
How to Get a Credit Card with Bad Credit
When Should I Not Get A Bad Credit Refinance?
When Should I Not Get A Bad Credit Mortgage?
Can I Get A Bad Credit Mortgage If I Just Filed Bankruptcy?
Do Bad Credit Mortgages Last Forever?
How Can I Be Sure I Need A Bad Credit Refinance?
How Can I Be Sure I Need A Bad Credit Mortgage?
The Best Bad Credit Mortgage Option
Can I Qualify For FHA Streamline Refinance Loan with Bad Credit?
For Our Vets - VA Home Loans For People With Bad Credit
If you want to own your own home and are a military veteran, there are programs designed just for you. The best part of getting a VA home loan for people with bad credit is that most of the time you can get into just about any home with a very low or even no down payment if you are eligible. If you have completed a tour of duty of 180 days or more, or were medically discharged, and received a general, medical, or honorable discharge, you meet the requirements for a VA home loan for people with bad credit. Disabled veterans can receive additional special consideration, so if you are a disabled veteran, be sure to inform your real estate agent of your condition. Veterans that are very disabled may qualify for VA grants.
In addition to the disabled vets, there are other groups that also qualify for VA home loans for people with bad credit. These are:
US citizens who served in the armed forces of any government allied with the US during World War II.
Surviving spouses of eligible persons who died as a result of service-related injuries as long as the spouse has not remarried.
The spouse of a POW or MIA on active duty missing for more than 90 days.
A copy of your DD214 is required to verify eligibility.
Top 12 Bad Credit And Mortgage Myths
1.Personal belongings must be used when securing a bad credit loan.
Bad credit loans can be secured or unsecured. If the loan is unsecured, no collateral is attached and approval is based on income and past payment history.
2.Only people with low income can get bad credit mortgages.
Bad credit lenders cater to those who have credit problems and so are inclined to make the mortgage loan affordable. It is possible to get a bad credit mortgage without being low income.
3.Proof of income is not needed for self-certification mortgages.
This was true once upon a time, but since the crash of the housing market, more and more lenders require that you bring in proof of income. Self-certification loans were created to answer the need of self-employed applicants who could not provide proof by bringing in pay stubs. Now a letter from the IRS is required.
4.It is easy for consumers to resolve their own credit report disputes.
While it is easy to challenge an item on your credit report, it is frustrating and difficult to get positive results from the credit bureaus. It is not widely known that the major credit bureaus have been fined in excess of $2.5 million dollars due to failure to properly respond to charges. The credit bureaus make credit restoration as difficult as legally possible to protect their own profit margin. The reality is that you will spend more time than you thought trying to restore your credit. It is better to get professional help to resolve these kinds of issues.
5.Negative items can reappear on your credit report.
If a dispute is not challenged by a creditor within 30 days, that item must be removed from your credit report. If it is disputed, it can remain for up to seven years.
6.Some things can never be removed from your credit reports such as tax liens, bankruptcies, and foreclosures.
Any negative item can be removed.
7.A one hundred word explanation can be entered into your account, and creditors will take it into account when determining creditworthiness.
While you are allowed to enter the explanation, lenders will not consider that part of the report verifiable.
8.You can change the status of old debt by paying it off, and it will no longer reflect negatively.
Even if the account gets paid off, it will reflect negatively for seven years.
9.You can cancel out bad credit by building good credit.
The good and the bad will both be reported. The goodwill does not remove the bad from your record. It may make a difference to the lender that you are trying to take responsibility for your debts, but this is by no means guaranteed.
10.The credit bureaus are government-run agencies.
Credit bureaus are publicly traded companies, and NOT run by the government.
11.It is illegal for creditors to remove negative items from my credit report before 7 years.
Seven years is the maximum that the item can be listed in the report, NOT the minimum.
12.By getting a federal tax ID, or altering social security numbers, a new file will be created.
With the cyber systems available now, fraudulent reporting is almost impossible to get away with. It is also a criminal offense.